Parent involvement is our secret sauce and is part of what makes our school so special. We encourage parents, current and prospective, to think how they can share their time and talents at the Hernández to support our students, faculty, and families. These are the top three ways to participate…
Family Council
Meetings for Hernández families every first Wednesday of the month in the auditorium and zoom. Learn more!
School Site Council
Meets every second Tuesday of the month with select members of staff. You will see School Site Council often referred to as SSC.
Noche de Fiesta Committee + FOH
Help plan our annual community builder and fundraiser, Noche de Fiesta (Fri, May 9th, 2025!). The committee is made up of family members and staff and has sub-committees that concentrate on different aspects of the event.
Quick Links for Parents and Guardians
You lead busy lives, we get it. Here’s the comprehensive list of touchpoints so you don’t miss out on anything important happening with your student’s education.
On ParentSquare you will find our school events calendar here, with a feature to add events to your personal calendar, we recommend it! Our school weekly announcements also arrive via this app from our Principal Danielle. Know what is going on in your students school.
Parent Square App
TalkingPoints is a two-way multilingual family engagement platform allowing educators and administrators the opportunity to communicate with families in their native language via the web, mobile, or text messages.
TalkingPoints App
Contact Brandel Delgado for ordering questions bdelgadorodriguez(@)bostonpublicschools.org. Find our uniform policy here. You can purchase uniforms online or in person at Metro School Uniforms in Dorchester.
Uniform Policy and Ordering
Families can access food, household goods, and health and hygiene supplies through bi-weekly Distribution Days and our Donation Center. Contact Brandel Delgado to make or receive donations or to volunteer on Distribution Days. bdelgadorodriguez(@)bostonpublicschools.org
Donation Center and Distribution Days
Medical forms may be submitted electronically to the Hernández nurse at 8190Hernandez at bostonpublicschools.org.
Physicals and Medical Forms
Clever is a learning portal and an easy way for students to access an index of online learning programs approved by BPS. Your student/s can login with their clever badge if the camera is enabled on their laptop. Take me to Clever.
All grading information and attendance is maintained in BPS’ student information system, Aspen. Families are encouraged to create an account to view this information directly in the website between report cards. For more information on how to create an account visit this website.
This is everything you want to know about out school. The Handbook has all the logistics of the school day mapped out in detail for you. It covers school culture and academics as well as a staff directory.
Hernandez Handbook
FAQ’s Who do I contact for….
When a child has a food accommodation it is important that a team is aware. This includes your student’s teachers, the school nurse, and the kitchen staff. You can find the School Lunch Menu here.
Lunch Accommodations
HASP (Hernández After School Program)
The Hernández After School Program operates from 3:10 to 6pm each day and serves over 160 students. HASP provides a healthy snack, homework and academic support, and enrichment activities including Karate, African Dance, swim lessons, dance, sports, circus arts, and more. Contact HASP Director Nikki De La Cruz at nikkid(at)friendsofthehernandez.org.
Boston Public Schools has partnered with Zūm to provide a new and improved platform for parents/guardians to track their student’s school bus. BPS also has a new Transportation Portal where you can file complaints or track inquiries. You can download the Zum app using the Apple Store or the Google Play App Store.
Zum App Bus Transportation
CORI form If you would like to volunteer in the classroom please fill this form out
Contact person: Rosa Carmona, rcarmonaramos at bostonpublicschools.org
Classroom Volunteers
Welcome to Rafael Hernández Family Council (SFC)
As a Hernández parent or guardian, you are automatically a member of the School Family Council (SFC)! The purpose of the council is to help Hernández families be an integral part of the school community and advocate for quality education. Check out the slide show below to see ways you can get involved with our vibrant community.

Hernández School participates in community events like Wake up the Earth Festival and Parade

Parent led and managed Rain Garden

Family Volunteers make Field Trips possible

Family Council volunteers garden and clean up the school yard year round
City Sprouts Volunteers on International Games day operating apple cider press

City Sprouts

Family Council hosts appreciation brunches for Staff
Field Day Dunk Tank

We are focused on collaborating with Hernández staff and teachers to:
Provide a nurturing and safe community to our students
Increase communications and making sure that more families are heard when we make important decisions about our school
Support our children’s social-emotional health and positive behavior
Your Involvement Matters
Parents and Guardians are an integral part of the Hernández School. Besides participating in School Family Council, many folks volunteer their time in the classroom, chaperone field trips and 75-80% of the parents attend Open House three times a year.
We vote our leadership team in November which includes two Co-Presidents, a Secretary, and Finance Officer, two City Wide Representatives, SpEdPAC representatives, and DELAC Representatives. We have the following subcommittees:
Field Day Volunteers
School Yard Clean Up & Gardening
Building Facilities
Civic Engagement
Welcome Committee
Classroom Parents
School Transportation and Safety
Uniform Swap
Noche de Fiesta: Have a donation or want to volunteer? Contact Megan Wolf, meganw(at)friendsofthehernandez.org
Family Council meets from 6pm-7pm both in person and on Zoom on the following dates. Dinner and childcare are provided for in person meetings.
Contact Anita for the Zoom Link atorres (@) bostonpublicschools.org
Meeting Agenda: Inclusion at the Hernández
Meeting Notes
Know Your Rights - MIRA Training
Noche de Fiesta Planning
Budget Planning and Voting for SY 25/26
School Site and Equity Council (SSC)
The role of the School Site Council is to engage parents and teachers to serve with the principal as the central decision-making body of the school. SSCs are required by the Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993 and by the collective bargaining agreement between the Boston Teachers Union (BTU) and the Boston School Committee.
Under the school-based management/shared decision-making model described in the collective bargaining agreement between BPS and the BTU, the role of the SSC is to:
Review and approve the Quality School Plan within guidelines established by the superintendent.
Review and approve the recommendations of the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) that have been endorsed by the principal/head of school and that will have a major effect on the school community.
Review and comment on the entire school budget, including the general funds and external funds budgets, in a timely fashion.
Approve the budget for discretionary school materials, supplies, textbooks, and equipment, including the use of school improvement award funds.
Review and approve recommendations from any other committee or group that is established to recommend changes that will have a major effect on the school community.
Develop and approve plans for increasing parent engagement in the school.
Develop, review annually, and approve the School-Parent Compact as required by Title I.
Receive information about all outside programs or outside professionals that come into the school.
Approve waivers
Six parents are elected to the School Site Council (SSC) from the School Family Council (SFC). Six staff members also serve on the SSC. The SSC meets monthly to discuss issues of a more academic nature and to assist the principal and staff in planning the academic path of the school. As the central governing body at the school, the SSC oversees all school-based committees, including the ILT and the Personnel Subcommittee.
The Hernández School Site Council meets at the school from 3:45-5:00pm on the following dates:
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes